Shawn LaRe's favorite books:
Learn Tools for Emotional Wellness and Get the Help You Deserve by Rheeda Walker
The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health: Navigate an Unequal System
The Empath's Self-Care Journal: 52 Weeks of Prompts, Practices, & Positive Affirmations by Mishka Kimball
Mental Health - Mental Peace: A Practical Guide to Reducing Stress, Relieving Anxiety, Decluttering the Mind, and Being Happy (Mental Health Mastery) byTammy Gallagher FNLP
Favorite podcasts:
Therapy for Black Girls, Dr. Joy Harden Bradford
In the Light, Dr. Anita Phillips
Speaking of Psychology. Gloria Mark, PhD
Favorite films:
A Star is Born (both 1976 and 2018 versions)
500 Days of Summer
Adolescence: Basketball Diaries
Being Charlie
The Anonymous People
Favorite apps:
Sanvello for Anxiety & Depression, a mindfulness app
CoCo's favorite book:
The Body Keeps Score
Favorite podcasts:
7 Good Minutes (Mindfulness)
Affirmations for Black Girls
Daring Greatly: Brene Brown
Favorite documentary:
Stutz by Jonah Hill
T'Anna's favorite book:
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Dr. Joy DeGruy
Renata's favorite podcast:
The Happiness Lab Podcast with Dr. Laurie Santos
Kellye's favorite books:
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers
Brainstorm: the power and purpose of the teenage brain
Power resistance and liberation in therapy with survivors of trauma: to have our hearts broken
Attached: the new science of adult attachment, and how I can help you find and keep love
The body keeps score: brain mind and body in the healing of trauma