Children & Adolescents
Our children are our most precious commodity. As delightful, adorable, and awe-inspiring as they can be, you’ve heard it many times before; they do not come with a manual. Ever wonder…”But he’s so loving and then all of a sudden”…or, “I don’t know why she looks so sullen and sad all the time.” And then they turn into teenagers and seemingly become a WHOLE new person.
You are not alone, parents if you sometimes feel like you just don’t know what to do and everything you say is the wrong thing. Raising children and adolescents can be challenging but not to worry; help is on the way.
Our team of therapists offer various modalities of therapeutic services designed to assist you with communicating with your children, understanding their needs, identifying their currency, and helping to motivate them toward change. We work with the younger population with open ears and an equally open heart to build a strong rapport that sets the stage for trust and a positive therapeutic relationship conducive to growth, challenging your child or teen to step into the potential that is theirs. Using a holistic approach, we create an atmosphere that promotes safety paramount to healing. Each child has a unique personality, and in working with this population, we work to assist him or her with getting in touch with the best parts of his or herself and develop into healthy, well-rounded young adults and finally into “real” grown-ups. We specialize in working with children, adolescents, as well as adults with attachment issues, trauma, communication, developmental delays, anxiety, depression, and ADHD.